Consumer Attitudes Towards the Olympics

Collage Group helps marketers and insights leaders connect around this occasion by providing insights that clarify the similarities and differences in how American consumers across diverse segments prepare for and experience the Olympics.
The world’s most unifying sporting event is right around the corner. The Olympics, taking place in Tokyo this year, are one occasion brands need to understand to fully capture diverse America’s attention.
One of this year’s most moving campaigns comes from consumer giant Proctor & Gamble, whose #LeadWithLove campaign hits every cultural mark. Their latest commercial, Love Leads to Good, brings awareness around the Olympic games through inclusive casting and thoughtful storytelling.
The following consumer insights belong to a series of Collage Group reports on holidays and occasions. This targeted research allows for more efficient and effective brand activations that capture greater mind and market share.
1. Hispanic Americans Are More Likely to Believe the Olympics Brings Unity across Different Countries.
According to our most recent study, 76% of Americans believe the Olympics are a great way to bring unity across different countries.

2. Most Americans Take Advantage of the Olympics to Watch Sports outside Their Typical Viewing Habits.
However, Gen Z is notably less likely to expand their viewership to new sports.

3. Three in Four Multicultural Americans Agree that the Olympics Are a Great Way to Celebrate Diversity.
The Olympics are a great way to celebrate diversity.