Hispanic Americans Leading the Way in Tech Tools and Technology Usage

Hispanic consumers are more likely to post daily on social media and they use a great deal of social media platforms, including TikTok, according to our latest research. Of course, as a whole, Americans are using such instruments to a higher degree compared to previous years. However, Hispanic Americans surpassed all groups’ usage rates.
The findings are a result of our study: “Hispanic Passion Points,” which was recently released to Collage Group member brands. Passion Points are part of our consumer fundamentals research and seek to offer deep insight into the activities and areas of life consumer segments prioritize.
Our intent is to provide insights that go beyond the preconceptions most brands and marketers have about Hispanic and other diverse-led segments. In this case, the insight is that, for Hispanics, tech savviness is interwoven into a great deal of aspects of Hispanic culture and how it’s evolving.

The findings show that it is the Hispanic culture itself that directly leads to this group using tech to such a high degree. Hispanic Americans are very engaged in a wide variety of hobbies and interests where they seek connection and community – activities that can both directly and indirectly include technology.
An example of this is seen in ordinary activities, such as cooking and baking. Cooking and baking are a key Passion Point for Hispanics. As part of the survey, Hispanic Americans said cooking helps them be closer to loved ones and helps build meaningful relationships. According to this segment, presentation is an important aspect of cooking.
This insight is tied to the segment’s prolific tech use as the Passion Points study found that Hispanic Americans are posting pictures on social media about their cooking and dining out experiences. Forty-six percent said they post pictures of the foods they cook and 42% said they share photos of the foods they eat while at restaurants. Both of these figures are significantly higher than the total American population.
Exercise is another Passion Point for Hispanics. Among those polled, 64% of Hispanic Americans said they work out simply because they enjoy it, which is 15% higher than the total population, and highest across all racial / ethnic segments. Additionally, Hispanic Americans use a number of tech tools to aid in their fitness routine. Nearly a third of them use online free workout videos in their efforts to remain or get in shape, and 16% use a workout app.

The act of playing video games is another Passion Point for Hispanic Americas. To the tune of 50%, Hispanic Americans said they like or love playing video games. Moreover, Collage Group research shows that, when viewed by age, it is revealed that younger Hispanics – those between the ages of 18 and 42 – are more likely to prefer video games vs. board games or card games. Almost half – 46% – stated that they play video games in order to play with other people from around the world. Also, similar to the Passion Point about exercise, Hispanic Americans when compared to other groups, show to be more interested than others in using video games as part of their fitness routine.

The “Hispanic Passion Points” study is an update from Collage Group’s annual Passion Points survey last fielded in May 2022. The survey is a nationally representative sample of 4,514 consumers, including 1,300 Hispanic consumers.
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