Drive Brand Relevance with Black Consumer Essentials: Insights for Black Consumer Engagement

Black Americans are an important U.S. consumer segment, and their population and economic power are growing. Brands must better understand this influential consumer group to effectively engage with them through their marketing and advertising.
Read on and fill out the form for an excerpt from our Insights For Black Consumer Engagement presentation.
Our new study explores three areas of our consumer fundamentals research: demographics, identity, and Group Traits to help your brand authentically connect with Black Americans.
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Key Insight #1: Demographics
More Black Americans are identifying as Multiracial and Black immigration is growing in the U.S., making the segment more diverse and dynamic than brands may realize.

Lean into rich intersectional storytelling during marketing campaigns. Authentic, and specific stories will still appeal cross-segment.
Key Insight #2: Identity
Products and services that explicitly show people with natural skin and hair and challenge racial and ethnic stereotypes will win with Black consumers.

Innovate and expand products and services that are tailored to meet the needs of Black consumers. Prioritize realistic representation in your advertising and push to avoid photoshopped perfection.
Key Insight #3: Group Trait of Determination
Black Americans are determined and believe in working persistently towards their goals. Despite setbacks, there is a deep-seeded belief in themselves.

Drive fit by communicating how your brand helps Black Americans achieve at the highest levels.