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Fuel Growth with Multicultural Consumers through Sports

Learn how to build trust, stoke enthusiasm, and fuel brand growth with Multicultural consumers by tapping into their passion for sports and fitness.

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Go team! In fact, go sports! Multicultural Americans are enthusiastic about sports and their fandom goes beyond the classic pastimes into emerging sports and leagues. Multicultural fans are also scouring for news about their teams and favorite athletes across media channels. And fandom isn’t passive. American fans are inspired to engage in sports and fitness themselves, with unique segment preferences.

Sports and fandom provides a unique opportunity for brands to engage consumers. Read on to discover a sample of unique and powerful inroads to consumers through sport.

This post includes a small sample of the deep cultural intelligence that fuels growth for our members. Contact us to unlock more content like this.

The Big Picture

  1. Black Americans are sports super fans. Millions of Americans follow professional and collegiate sports, but no segment follows are fervently as Black consumers. Basketball is the segment’s overall favorite, but boxing and tennis also enjoy unique passion from Black fans.
  2. Multicultural Americans’ relative youth boosts their exercise routines. Hispanic, Black, and Asian Americans are more likely than the older White segment to like playing sports and working out and are more likely to use a variety of tech tools to do so.

Key Insight #1: Asian Americans love to get involved through sports and fitness

Know This:

Asian Americans have a passion for fitness and exercise, especially walking and doing yoga. They also over-index on the use of multiple types of gyms and gym equipment.

Do This:

Appeal to the popularity of walking and yoga by making it one of your default representations of working out.

Key Insight #2: Sports are social, especially for Hispanic fans

Know This:

For Hispanic sports fans, rooting for their favorite teams is a social experience. They’re also more likely than others to be active fans; hosting parties, wearing jerseys, betting on games, and more.

Do This:

Boost your connection with Hispanic consumers through sports by celebrating the social benefits of watching and rooting for your team with other people.

The world’s leading brands turn to Collage Group to build trust with this critical consumer segment and more. Contact us for additional studies on how to connect with Multicultural consumers, and to learn how to make your brand a winner with high-growth segments.

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