Author: David Wellisch


David Wellisch

CEO & Co-Founder

David Wellisch is CEO & Co-Founder of Collage Group, the leading source of cultural intelligence about diverse consumers. Since the inception of Collage Group in 2009, David has led the company through growth, now serving more than 300 brands in across 12 industries. David is passionate about entrepreneurship and company building, and often works directly with members to help guide the integration of diverse consumer insights and marketing strategies.

Winning Brands Don’t Compromise Their Focus on Diverse Consumers

David Wellisch

We are incredibly excited to enter the new year with our biggest plans yet for expanding the depth of our cultural intelligence–all centered on helping you thrive in our transformational environment.

Start 2023 Strong with New Diverse Consumer Insights

David Wellisch

We are incredibly excited to enter the new year with our biggest plans yet for expanding the depth of our cultural intelligence–all centered on helping you thrive in our transformational environment.

Authentically Engage Multicultural America Now

David Wellisch

Collage Group joins The Quirk’s Event for a conversation about understanding and engaging Multicultural America Now.

Collage Group Raises $25 Million in Growth Capital to Continue to Fuel Member Engagement with Diverse Consumers

David Wellisch

Collage Group’s Essentials of Black Consumers presentation explores three areas of our consumer fundamentals research: demographics and economic opportunity, identity, and Group Traits.