Author: Giana Damianos


Giana Damianos

Associate Director, Cultural Insights

Giana joined Collage in 2019 from Indiana University, where she studied economics, political science and psychology. In her spare time, Giana is getting to know Washington DC and its historic architecture.

Essentials of Millennial Consumers, 2022

Giana Damianos

Collage Group’s Essentials of Millennial Consumers presentation explores three areas of our consumer fundamentals research: demographics and segment context, identity, and Group Traits.

Essentials of Gen Z Consumers

Giana Damianos

Collage Group’s Essentials of Gen Z Consumers presentation explores three areas of our consumer fundamentals research: demographics and segment context, identity, and Group Traits.

How Multicultural Americans (Moms, Dads, and Non-Parents) Celebrate Mother’s Day and El Día de las Madres

Giana Damianos

Collage Group’s Essentials of Women Consumers presentation explores three areas of our consumer fundamentals research for American Women.

Essentials of Women Consumers

Giana Damianos

Collage Group’s Essentials of Women Consumers presentation explores three areas of our consumer fundamentals research for American Women.

Health Care Across Generations

Giana Damianos

Each generation approaches the patient journey from a unique perspective. Keep reading for key insights, a downloadable deck, and webinar replay on generational differences in health-related attitudes and behaviors and the emerging consumer mindset.

Health and Wellness Across Sexual Identities

Giana Damianos

LGBTQ+ Americans have unique perspectives, needs, and experiences related to healthcare that brands must understand.

America Now: Life Priorities Across Generations

Giana Damianos

This research is part of a series that expands on our 2021 Roundtable Presentation, America Now. Learn how acculturation and race impact Hispanic identity.

Friendsgiving 2021: How Should My Brand Celebrate?

Giana Damianos

It’s not too late to activate! With over 30% of Americans (and 40% of Gen Z and Millennials) celebrating “Friendsgiving,” brands will want to make their mark on this growing tradition. Keep reading to learn what consumers expect from brands like yours this Friendsgiving.

Día de los Muertos: What Should My Brand Do?

Giana Damianos

With over half of all Hispanic Americans (and two-thirds of Unacculturated) celebrating Día de los Muertos, brands will want to make their mark on this important holiday.

Media Consumption Across Generations

Giana Damianos

Optimize your brand’s connection with consumers across generations by understanding where they consume media content, and why they’re going there to do so.