Author: Jack Mackinnon


Jack Mackinnon

Senior Director of Cultural Insights

With more than 15 years of diverse consumer research experience, Jack Mackinnon offers deep expertise in Multicultural, Generational, LGBTQ+ consumers, and their intersection. Jack’s research extends into exploring culture-at-large, investigating broader societal trends not easily categorized into typical areas of research.

Diwali 2021: What Should My Brand Do?

Jack Mackinnon

It’s not too late to activate! With two thirds of Indian Americans celebrating Diwali, brands will want to make their mark on this important holiday. Keep reading to learn what Asian consumers expect from brands like yours on this festival of lights.

Media Consumption Across Gender

Jack Mackinnon

Media is a major aspect of American life. Whether it’s social media, visual entertainment, or audio content, Americans spend a significant amount of time and attention in the media sphere.

Travel & Hospitality: Five Key Insights for Engaging Multicultural Consumer Preferences

Jack Mackinnon

As a second pandemic summer comes to an end, many Americans are planning their holiday travel amidst consistent and lasting changes to their preferences and expectations of the travel and hospitality industries.

Multicultural Consumer Media Consumption

Jack Mackinnon

Optimize your brand’s connection with consumers across multicultural segments by understanding where they consume media content, and why they go where they do.

Top CultureRate Scores Reveal Category Insights

Jack Mackinnon

Top CultureRate Ad and Brand scores reveal both top-performers and provide crucial context for category-wide Cultural Fluency.

How Consumers Across Generations Celebrate Mother’s Day

Jack Mackinnon

Mother’s Day presents ample opportunity for brands to connect authentically with consumers across generations. Collage Group’s Holidays & Occasions research provides insights on a wide scope of important events that occur throughout the year.

Key Consumer Insights on Black History Month

Jack Mackinnon

Black History Month is one occasion brands need to understand to fully capture diverse America’s attention.