Author: Katya Skogen


Katya Skogen

Director, Cultural Insights

Katya leads Collage Group’s LGBTQ+ and Gender research. Her other interests include multicultural segments as well as consumer behaviors and attitudes in the context of media, technology, food and beverage, and retail industries.

How Leading Brands Partner with Small Businesses to Drive Their Own Growth

Katya Skogen

Learn how to connect with and better serve small business owners by understanding their current business outlook, connection to culture, and use of technology.

Top Brands for LGBTQ+ Consumers: Lessons from Marketing Leaders

Katya Skogen

Do you know the brands who are most effective in succeeding with LGBTQ+ consumers? Learn how leaders leverage deep insights to create highly compelling omnichannel campaigns that fuel growth.

The Top Brands for Women: Learnings, Activations and More

Katya Skogen

Leading brands leverage culture efficiently and effectively to connect across consumer segments. Discover the top culturally fluent brands for Women and get insights into what these brands are doing to resonate.

Insights for Authentically Engaging Women Consumers for Growth

Katya Skogen

Many advertisers are missing the mark in their portrayals of this powerful consumer segment. Only about half of Women say they’re satisfied with portrayals of their gender in advertising. Learn more about how you can engage Women consumers’ evolving, complex identities for growth.

Engage Women Small Business Owners in America

Katya Skogen

Small businesses drive the U.S. economy, and their owners reflect the diverse cultures and perspectives of Americans. Read on for more information about how to connect with women small business owners by understanding how they see themselves, their goals, challenges, and motivations for partnering with larger companies.

Top Ads for LGBTQ+ Consumers: Insights from CultureRate

Katya Skogen

Learn how brands effectively engage diverse Americans with culturally fluent advertising. Use this research to decode the art of connecting with the LGBTQ+ community while minimizing potential backlash from other segments.

Unpacking the Target Boycott: Navigating the Complex Landscape of LGBTQ+ Inclusivity and Brand Loyalty

Katya Skogen

Collage Group’s insights are a trusted resource for iconic brands aiming to effectively engage with and succeed in diverse America. This article includes a summary our recent, most sought-after diverse consumer insights.

MediaPost: LGBTQ+ Consumers Less Satisfied With Their Advertising Portrayals

Katya Skogen

LGBTQ+ consumers are less satisfied than others with their portrayals in advertisements, per a study by Collage Group.

Engage & Celebrate Women: A Conversation About Gender Equity

Katya Skogen

Learn how women leaders of Pernod-Ricard, Lincoln Financial, and Adsmovil discuss how to engage and celebrate women consumers.

Drive Brand Relevance with Women Consumer Essentials

Katya Skogen

Discover women’s unique perspectives and motivations through their evolving, complex identities and actionable Group Traits.