How a Fortune 500 Automotive Company Drove Purchase Intent by +28%


A Fortune 500 automotive company needed to attract and engage non-white consumers in a meaningful way that held true to its brand identity and core base of users while introducing it to new, diverse audiences.


Leveraging the insights from Collage Group’s Brand Cultural Fluency Quotient (B-CFQ) score, deep cultural insights and a customized Attitudes & Usage study, the company produced new ads targeting Asian American consumers. The campaign contributed to a 28% increase in purchase intent among Asian Americans, more than double the interest from before the ad. In addition, purchase intent among Black and Hispanic consumers increased 18% and 19%, respectively.

Insights Driving Action

Using Collage’s proprietary B-CFQ methodology, the automotive company found an opportunity to target Asian American consumers. So Collage set out to help the company answer two key questions:

  1. What are specific barriers and drivers for multicultural premium intenders?
  2. What does performance look like when focusing specifically on premium intenders?

The study gave the company data-driven, actionable guidance on how to effectively and efficiently communicate their brand identity to an Asian American target audience. For instance:

  1. The company could create new opportunities for connection with an intersectional Asian American audience by representing family structures in many forms.
  2. Demonstrating the brand’s 100+ year legacy and purpose gave it credibility in the eyes of Asian American consumers, who would then be more likely to participate in brand advocacy.

Insights in hand, and in partnership with Collage, the company designed and tested an ad campaign targeting Asian Americans using our proprietary CultureRate:Ad testing methodology. The ads performed well above norms and seemed to drive notable success at dealers.

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Like many businesses, a national health care retailer recognized the dynamic transformation underway in American culture.

In 2020, the combination of the social justice movement and the COVID pandemic hit home especially hard, with so many of the retailer’s staff on the front lines. Across the enterprise, they took action, reflecting a deeper commitment to honoring America’s culturally diverse voices.

For the health care retailer’s Enterprise Insights team, they recognized a one-time investment in a research project or consultant was not enough. As the needs of the organization and of the consumer change too quickly, the company needed the support of a long-term partner.


  • Align around best practice multicultural research standards and ensure Culturally Fluent research is practiced across the enterprise.
  • Socialize culturally sensitive approaches to multicultural insights, to enable diversity, inclusion and marketing performance.
  • Stay nimble to the organization’s emerging educational needs, and quickly hone-in on high-impact research opportunities as they emerge.


Collage Group designed a partnership solution for the health care retailer, leveraging a suite of research products and nimble service models, which included:

  • Access to the Multicultural consumer research platform, for regular outputs of research on trends across culture into Hispanic, Black and Asian consumers.
  •  Expert support via “SME-Hours”, which includes access to in-cultural subject matter experts, seasoned marketing consultants, and research professionals to address ad hoc needs.
  •  Custom Research & Consulting Credits applied to “Black American Learning Series” for the staff, to educate and elevate the experience and voices of Black Americans specifically.


Insights gleaned from the health care retailer’s partnership with Collage are now applied across the company, including in events sponsored by Chief Diversity Officer and Senior Vice President of Workforce Strategies, its diversity team, in ads produced by its marketing team, and via in-store initiatives to ensure the company’s customers and staff are treated fairly and equitably.

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A prominent health insurance company consistently struggled to enroll members of the multicultural population in a specific state.

Open Enrollment represented the perfect opportunity to reach Hispanic and Black consumers, traditionally among the most underserved communities in the state.
The company’s primary goal was to enroll more Hispanic and Black consumers in three key markets. The secondary objectives were to understand the barriers to entry in health care for these segments and utilize grassroots marketing to grow awareness and trust among these segments.


Collage Group quickly delivered relevant members-only insights to get the marketing team up to speed on multicultural strategies.

  • Syndicated research uncovered how these consumers viewed the U.S. health care system, including areas of skepticism and understanding  of how the provider/payer system works. 
  • Collage Group surfaced data regarding how key health care decisions are made, such as how family plays a key role in the decision-making process for both segments and how important Spanish-language information is to Hispanics.

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A prominent U.S.-based food company had been carefully curating a positioning strategy for a multicultural segment to explicitly match what they were hearing from consumers through their research.

But sales was reporting a different story: competitors were stealing market share.

The challenge: they needed to go beyond the surface to capture what consumers weren’t telling them.


To get deeper, faster – Collage Group had a head start. By leveraging our existing consumer research database of more than 26 billion data points, we quickly moved to address the brand’s specific issues.

  1. Our depth of research and best practices in our syndicated database illuminated attitudes and behaviors of the segment, including trends in home cooking.
  2. Collage Group’s custom solutions team conducted qualitative interviews in key metro areas and honed in on perceptions of the product in relation to competitors, as well as cooking habits and sources for inspiration. Our in-situation observational approach brought the consumer’s relationship with the category to life and allowed us to explore beyond reported answers.
  3. To vet and prioritize findings from the qualitative work, we launched a quantitative survey to ~1,000 multicultural consumers in this segment.


While the brand’s positioning worked in theory, we found that it overlooked how key multicultural consumers use the product(s). Going behind the scenes enabled us to explore how this consumer segment actually connects to the brand through a unique lens.

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A leading global portfolio of top alcoholic beverage brands needed to deepen their understanding of culture.

Their North America operation launched an initiative in 2019 to future-proof their brands through a comprehensive “Cultural Fluency” audit of 20 brands including select competitors.

The brand’s goal was to build the organizational capacity to understand younger, intrinsically diverse LDA consumers, a segment Collage Group defines as the New Wave.  The mission was to drive brand growth while providing a platform for motivating internal change.

Primary Research Objectives:

  • Identify where traits and values resonate across diverse segments as well as where they diverge.
  • Build a framework and set of principles that can be applied to creative executions across the company’s portfolio.


Collage Group developed a Cultural Fluency Roadmap to guide the brand in achieving their business objectives. This included:

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To realize its mission of bringing “Flavor to All”, an international Processed & Packaged Goods Company recognized the need for a strong foundational understanding of diverse consumers as an imperative for building authentic connection across the total market.

The company had a strong starting point: a diverse workforce, inclusive mission, and credible consumer insights partners (including Collage Group) that provide data across culture.

However, the Consumer Insights team recognized that driving authentic connection would take more than unearthing culturally fluent data. They had to go the extra mile, teach the insights, and foster empathy for diverse consumers throughout their brand teams. 


To imbed these deep consumer insights across the company culture, Collage Group designed a partnership solution for the company through our suite of product offerings, which included:

  1. Access to the Multicultural Consumer Research Platform, where they could leverage timely research and content on topics of interest across the company, including diverse consumer digital/social behaviors, attitudes toward holidays and occasions, and more.
  2. Support from Collage Group’s Syndicated Research and SME’s to build a “Multicultural Webinar Series,” with the goal of sharing culturally relevant insights across the organization. The focus was to educate on key consumer segments (Hispanic, Black, Asian, LGBTQ+, etc.). For easy takeaways, each presentation begins and ends with “Five Facts” relevant to the demographic or topic. 

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Global Automotive Company with $100 Billion in Revenue

How a world-leading automotive brand is applying Collage Group’s cultural insights to drive enhancements in advertising that improve cultural resonance.


The SUV division of a major global automotive OEM was struggling to activate higher-income Black consumers. The Director of Insights wanted category-specific attitude and purchase behavior data to weave a consumer-centric story and inform the creative brief for their ad agency.


Using Collage Group’s proprietary cultural intelligence platform, the automaker infused the creative brief with key insights on the Cultural Traits of the Black segment which linked to category specific behaviors and details. The Director developed a powerful brief that grounded high-value product attributes in “the why” of underlying cultural and emotional factors, enabling the agency to produce Culturally Fluent content.

Tying Key Objectives to Insights

Collage Group’s cultural intelligence proved critical to improving the brand’s advertising. Collage data and tools enabled the Director to ground category insights in an understanding of the cultural traits of the target consumer. Specific steps included:

Category-level detail is a useful, practical starting point for engaging key demographics.


Anchor strategy on Black consumer preferences for specific vehicle features.

Collage Resources, Data & Tools

Category Essentials – Automotive provided a range of useful insights into attitudes and product trade-offs, revealing unique preferences for engine performance, styling, entertainment features, GPS, and Wi-Fi.

Connecting the Dots

Collage’s deep dive into cultural insights allowed brand leaders to interpret the category-level detail into a broader strategy and application of the insights.

Deep cultural insights allowed brand leaders to interpret category-level detail into a broader strategy and application.

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Global Wine & Spirits Company with $5 Billion Revenue

Learn how the world’s leading brands are applying Collage Group’s consumer insights to drive cultural resonance in advertising.


The CMO of a major alcoholic beverage company tasked a team with surfacing the mega-trends shaping the multicultural audience. The CMO wanted the team to refine or rethink brand positioning for the entire portfolio of wine and spirits brands based on these insights.


Using Collage Group’s proprietary data into the cultural traits of Black consumers, the task force recognized that category-specific insights about the attitudes and behaviors of Black wine consumers did not conflict with those of its Black spirits consumers as long as those insights were grounded in an understanding of Black cultural traits overall.

Tying Key Objectives to Insights

Collage Group provided category-level detail to deepen appreciation for Black consumers across the entire portfolio of alcohol brands.


Understand Black consumer attitudes to wine drinking and resolve why these differ from attitudes to spirits drinking.

Collage Resources, Data & Tools

Category Essentials-Alcoholic Beverages revealed a range of distinct insights into Black consumer attitudes to wine drinking and, in particular, toward developing Connoisseurship and Expertise.

Connecting the Dots

To connect the dots, Collage’s deep dive into cultural insights allowed brand leaders to interpret the category-level detail into a broader strategy and application of the insights.

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Global FinTech Company with $7 Billion Revenue

How a world-leading fintech company is applying Collage Group’s cultural insights to drive enhancements in the online financial experience.


Believing Hispanic consumers preferred in-person and in-language tax preparation and advice, an online tax preparation company’s Senior Marketing Manager was eager to deepen the company’s understanding of this rapidly growing consumer segment.


As part of Collage Group’s Work to manage the complex digital experience in financial services, the Manager provided strong hypotheses to inform the project scope. The Collage Group team synthesized these insights with other member inputs to evaluate the strength of the language hypothesis and place it in the context of new consumer insights on privacy concerns and institutional trust.

As a result of identifying areas of shared value across the data and insights among membership, the Manager was able to combine these insights with other Collage resources to enhance the product experience.

Tying Key Objectives to Insights

Collage Group provided information and insights critical to improving the consumer journey to better link highly tactical issues specific to tax preparation with broader group traits among Hispanic consumers. 

• Collage Group insights improved the online customer experience by linking tax preparation issues to Hispanic group traits.
• Category-level detail asked for by the client was a useful, practical starting point for connecting with specific demographics.


More deeply understand Hispanic preferences for in-language and in-person tax advice.

Collage Resources, Data & Tools

Syndicated cultural intelligence research on how to manage the complex digital experience in financial services provided the foundation for member hypothesis testing that could be connected to a larger understanding of Hispanic consumers.

Connecting the Dots

Collage’s deep dive into cultural insights allows brand leaders to interpret the category-level detail into broader strategy and application of the insights.

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NPR was founded 50 years ago with the mission to create a more informed public – one challenged and invigorated by a deeper understanding and appreciation of events, ideas and cultures. This mission remains front and center, as NPR leadership recently challenged the organization to reach a new “North Star”: to diversify the NPR audience to reflect, serve and inspire America. With this focused purpose in mind, NPR’s audience insights team came to Collage Group to gain expertise quickly and in alignment across the enterprise.


Collage Group partnered with NPR on a solution that would evaluate the perception of the brand among Multicultural consumers and identify key areas of growth opportunity. From there, NPR and Collage would dig deeper to unveil insights and define engagements to improve authentic engagement among key Multicultural segments.

Evaluation of the NPR brand on the CultureRate:Brand tool was one of the first steps taken by Collage Group to bring NPR closer to its goal of reflecting, serving and inspiring all Americans.

Fill out the form to ​watch our webinar, The “CultureRate” Brand and Ad Rating System: Five Lessons for Better Ads and Case Study featuring NPR.

CultureRate:Brand Evaluation

Through CultureRate:Brand, the NPR brand was evaluated on the Brand Cultural Fluency Quotient (B-CFQ), which measures how well brands are resonating with consumers. It assessed NPR along six key cultural dimensions: brand fit, relevance, memories, values, trust and advocacy. The B-CFQ Threshold then helped illuminate for NPR where they stood with diverse consumers.

“We were surprised and delighted to learn what we were doing well through the CultureRate report,” says Lori Kaplan, NPR’s Senior Director of Audience Insights. “The report also enabled us to dig deeper into the areas where we still had work to do. For us, this was specifically within the Hispanic and Black communities.”

Based on the B-CFQ, NPR performed well among…

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