Major Automotive Brand Drove Purchase Intent by +28%

A Fortune 500 automotive company needed to attract and engage non-white consumers in a meaningful way that held true to its brand identity and core base of users while introducing it to new, diverse audiences.
Leveraging the insights from Collage Group’s Brand Cultural Fluency Quotient (B-CFQ) score, deep cultural insights and a customized Attitudes & Usage study, the company produced new ads targeting Asian American consumers. The campaign contributed to a 28% increase in purchase intent among Asian Americans, more than double the interest from before the ad. In addition, purchase intent among Black and Hispanic consumers increased 18% and 19%, respectively.
Insights Driving Action
Using Collage’s proprietary B-CFQ methodology, the automotive company found an opportunity to target Asian American consumers. So Collage set out to help the company answer two key questions:
- What are specific barriers and drivers for multicultural premium intenders?
- What does performance look like when focusing specifically on premium intenders?
The study gave the company data-driven, actionable guidance on how to effectively and efficiently communicate their brand identity to an Asian American target audience. For instance:
- The company could create new opportunities for connection with an intersectional Asian American audience by representing family structures in many forms.
- Demonstrating the brand’s 100+ year legacy and purpose gave it credibility in the eyes of Asian American consumers, who would then be more likely to participate in brand advocacy.
Insights in hand, and in partnership with Collage, the company designed and tested an ad campaign targeting Asian Americans using our proprietary CultureRate:Ad testing methodology. The ads performed well above norms and seemed to drive notable success at dealers.
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