Boomers Market Research

Understand Boomer consumers' values and interests with our Boomers market research containing key insights into spending, passions and trends so you can drive growth.

Why is it important to understand and market to Boomers?

Download an excerpt of Collage’s Boomers market research, Essentials of Boomer Consumers, to learn:

  • The demographics of the Boomer generation and how it impacts earning and spending
  • How Boomers’ cultural identity impacts their purchasing decisions
  • Group traits that influence Boomer’s values, media consumption and buying behaviors

Boomers are now the third largest generation, and still have high household incomes and expenditures. They’re also the last U.S. generation before the rise of intrinsic diversity across race, ethnicity, etc; 29% of Boomers identify as non-white. This makes Boomers a unique demographic for brands to understand and connect with while balancing engagement with more diverse consumer groups.