Hispanic Market Research

Leverage Collage's Hispanic market research to drive impact with this consumer group through authentic engagement.

How do you most effectively market to Hispanic consumers?

Download an excerpt of Collage’s Hispanic market research, Engage Hispanic Culture with Authentic Marketing, to:

  • Understand the Cultural Traits of Hispanic consumers, and how they intersect with gender, sexuality, etc.
  • Harness the power of cultural expression like Passion Points, special occasions and more when marketing to Hispanic consumers
  • Discover the “why” behind Hispanic consumers’ purchasing behavior and decisions, so your brand can act to drive impact

More than 60 million Americans – about 1 in 5 – are Hispanic. Hispanics accounted for 56% of recent U.S. population growth, and that population is projected to nearly double. But it’s not just the increase in population that makes engaging with Hispanic consumers critical for brands. It’s also their substantial purchasing power.