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Essentials of Black Consumers

Collage Group’s Essentials of Black Consumers presentation explores three areas of our consumer fundamentals research: demographics and economic opportunity, identity, and Group Traits.

Black Americans are an important U.S. consumer segment, and their population and economic power are growing. Brands must better understand this influential consumer group to effectively engage with them through their marketing and advertising.

Collage Group’s Essentials of Black Consumers explores three areas of our consumer fundamentals research: demographics, identity, and Group Traits to help your brand authentically connect with Black Americans.

Fill out the form for an excerpt from our Essentials of Black Consumers presentation. 

Key Insight #1

Black Americans are a a large, diverse, and economically powerful segment.


Recognize and celebrate the diversity of the Black segment in America by including Multiracial, Afro-Latino, and Non-Hispanic Black Americans in your marketing.

Key Insight #2

The history of Black Americans in this country, including systemic and institutional racism and race-related violence that continues today, results in Black Americans identifying with their race stronger than any other segment.


Understand the historical context for Black Americans in this country and develop a clear strategy to holistically and authentically support the Black community over the long term.

Key Insight #3

Black Americans’ are increasingly unsatisfied with how they are portrayed in advertising.


When portraying Black Americans, showcase their daily lives authentically and in ways that are culturally relevant and relatable. Actively pursue diverse marketing teams to provide more accurate portrayals of Black consumers’ lives.

Contact us to learn how you can gain access to these diverse consumer insights and much more in our Cultural Intelligence Engine.

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