Product Features and Insights for Depth and Actionability
Transforming Collage into the only cultural intelligence engine that fuses consumer, brand and industry insights focused on developing new features.
Boomers Market Research
Fuel brand love with Collage Group’s boomer market research and consumer insights. Capture their buying power with impactful marketing to seniors.
Asian American Market Research
Fuel brand love with Collage Group's Asian American market research and consumer insights. Capture Asian consumer buying power with impactful marketing.
Collage Group is a leading resource for news media! Find our cultural intelligence experts featured in Ad Age, Forbes, AdWeek, Media Post and more.
fluen.ci App
Fuel brand love with Collage Group's cultural intelligence software, fluen.ci. Access brand-specific, intersectional consumer insights to drive growth.

Activate Your Brand on Juneteenth to Empower Black Consumers
Deepen your understanding and identify natural and effective ways to activate brand growth with Black consumers during and beyond Juneteenth.

Three Ways to Engage Millennial Consumers for Brand Growth
Discover Millennial Americans’ unique perspectives and motivations through their evolving, complex identities and actionable Group Traits with the latest updates to our research, now including trended data.

Engage Hispanic Consumers: How Culture Shapes Buying Behavior
Discover Hispanic consumers’ unique perspectives and motivations through their evolving identities and actionable Group Traits with the 2024 updates to our research, now including trended data.

Insights for Authentically Engaging Women Consumers for Growth
Many advertisers are missing the mark in their portrayals of this powerful consumer segment. Only about half of Women say they’re satisfied with portrayals of their gender in advertising. Learn more about how you can engage Women consumers’ evolving, complex identities for growth.

Leverage Hispanic Media Insights for Brand Impact
Multicultural Americans spend an enormous amount of time and attention in the digital media space. Hispanic Americans especially are super users: they spend their time across many platforms, social media and otherwise, especially those that support Hispanics and allow them to stay connected to family and friends.