Activate Your Brand on Juneteenth to Empower Black Consumers

Do you know the importance of Juneteenth, what Black Americans expect from brands in celebration of the holiday, and how you can connect with the segment during other important holidays and special occasions?

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On June 19th, six in ten Black Americans will celebrate Juneteenth and honor the occasion by learning about Black history and culture, supporting Black-owned businesses and attending a parade or festival. Since being established as a federal holiday in 2021, Black Americans celebrating the holiday have increased by 18%.

To help your brand celebrate and authentically activate, Collage illuminates the most important annual events and experiences in the lives of Black consumers and identifies natural and effective ways to fuel brand growth through meaningful cultural occasions—during and beyond Juneteenth.

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The Big Picture

Black cultural holidays are booming in the United States. Beyond Black History Month, Juneteenth and Kwanzaa are gaining momentum and providing fresh ways to honor and celebrate Black culture.

Black Americans don’t shy away from acknowledging the hard realities of Black history, even as they celebrate. The segment’s group traits (Determined, Real, Believing) explain their ability to embrace complexity across the many holidays and occasions celebrated throughout the year.

Key Insight #1:

Since Juneteenth became a federal holiday in 2021, the popularity of the holiday has increased considerably. Black Americans drive the boom in celebration rates, but more Hispanics, Asian, and White Americans are celebrating too.

To fuel growth with the segment, we suggest that you ensure your marketing and advertising campaigns connect with Black history or culture authentically by:

  1. Sponsoring ongoing community events honoring Juneteenth.
  2. Donating any proceeds from Juneteenth-related products to help the Black community.
  3. Amplifying voices within your organization who want to speak about the holiday’s meaning to them.

Key Insight #2:

For Black Americans, cookouts are an important part of family reunions and holidays such as Memorial Day and Labor Day. Family reunions tend to be big events with historical roots and offer a chance to reconnect with loved ones. Memorial Day and Labor Day offer an opportunity to celebrate while honoring Black Americans’ history in this country.

To drive brand love, we suggest your campaigns offer clear examples of how your brand can complement a cookout or barbecue whether that be in the category of food and drink, games, music, or overall experience.

Interested in more? Contact us below for additional studies on how to connect with Black consumers, and to learn how to make your brand a winner with high-growth segments.

Holidays and occasions are focal points for many Americans. These events afford people the opportunity to express their cultural traditions and individual preferences through decorations, food and beverage, entertainment, and activities.

Fill out the form to view a sample from our research on consumer attitudes and behaviors around Black History Month.

Heritage months are also important for brands and organizations as they present an opportunity to deepen connection with consumer segments. Black History Month is one occasion brands need to understand to fully capture diverse America’s attention. Collage Group helps marketers and insights leaders connect around this occasion by providing insights that clarify the similarities and differences in how American consumers across diverse segments prepare for and experience Black History Month. These insights allow for more efficient and effective activations that capture greater mind and market share.

America’s leading brands leverage Collage Group’s research on Black Consumers to authentically engage and connect with their audience. Explore more tools that help you connect with this segment. 

Harness the power of cultural intelligence to win diverse America. Contact us to discover how you can turn insights into impact today!