Tag: black

Engage Black Consumers: How Authenticity Drives Results
Learn how you can fuel brand growth with Black American consumers via data-driven insights that develop more efficient campaigns and dedicated activations for greater financial impact.

The Top Ads for Black Consumers: Analysis from CultureRate:Ad
Culturally fluent ads use culture to efficiently and effectively connect across segments. Uncover the secrets behind how these iconic brands are creating the top culturally fluent ads among Black consumers.

U.S. Consumer Spending Trends 2023
Learn how consumer spending trends differ across gender, ethnicity, and age to support the financial needs of your consumers.

Engage Black Gen Z with Intersectional Group Traits
Discover Black Gen Z consumers’ unique intersectional Group Traits, including their joyful, spiritually-inspired ambition and an elevated awareness of themselves and the world around them.

Pulse Check on Multicultural Health & Wellness
Learn how Americans across race and ethnicity engage with health and wellness, including their perceptions of health and wellness, barriers that prevent Americans from achieving their best health, and the support and improvements that they demand.

Shifts in Diverse Consumer Media Usage: Insights for Growth
Americans spend a significant amount of time and attention in the media sphere, and their behaviors are quickly changing. Whether it’s social, video, or audio media, consumers’ focus on these mediums present an awesome opportunity for brands to connect and accelerate growth.

Key Demographic Insights to Size Your Brand’s Opportunity with Multicultural America
Our analysis of the 2021 American Community Survey (an annual survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau) highlights the growing racial and ethnic diversity of U.S. consumers. We illuminate important demographic insights on the largest three Multicultural segments: Hispanic, Black, and Asian.

Connect with Black Americans through Holidays & Occasions
Holidays and occasions are focal points for many Americans—opportunities to connect with loved ones, maintain cultural and family traditions, and express themselves through decorations, food, entertainment, and more.

How Iconic American Brands are Embracing Summer Cultural Moments: LGBTQ+ Pride Month & Juneteenth
June provides opportunities for brands to connect with American consumers through LGBTQ+ Pride and Juneteenth celebrations.

7-Step Guide to Create An Engaging Multicultural Marketing Strategy
An incredible cultural transformation of the American consumer is now fully underway. Brand after brand sees the massive growth opportunity that 140 million multicultural consumers represent.