Tag: cultural fluency

America Now: Highlighting Inclusion to Drive Growth

Elizandra Granillo

Discover insights from our America Now research that teaches brands how to escape the cycle of diminishing returns with the New Inclusive Marketing.

View of New York City over water

Reimagining Inclusive Marketing to Drive Growth

David Evans

On October 9th, Collage is hosting its annual Cultural Fluency Summit where it will unveil new America Now: Reimagining Inclusive Marketing to Drive Growth

Nighttime view of New York City over the water

Drive Growth: Lean into Day-to-Day Consumer Experiences

David Evans

Cultural Fluency Summit Promises to Guide Brands to Unify Consumers According to a first look at our flagship annual report, America Now, rolling out at our 2024 Cultural Fluency Summit on Wednesday, Oct. 9 in NYC, consumers are less focused on specific identities purely as a function of representation, than on wanting brands to show […]

Laughing group of multicultural Gen Z

How Halo Effects Help Brands Win with Cultural Relevance

David Evans

Understand what Halo Effects are and how your brand can break the tradeoff between spend that targets diverse segments or intended to appeal to the mainstream

Vew of New York City skyline

Collage and Publicis Media Co-Host Cultural Fluency Summit

David Wellisch

An exclusive look at the actionable cultural insights that help brands authentically engage today’s diverse America.

Gen Z black family, mom dad and two young daughters

U.S. Census: Country of Origin Increases in Importance

David Evans

Census data 2020 - 2023 shows that Multicultural population growth is 60% greater than total population growth; White population declined by almost 2 million.

multicultural family with mom, dad, young daughter and son

Lessons from Top Ads for Hispanic Consumers

Victor Paredes

Discover top ads for Hispanic consumers from the fluen.ci (SM) award winners from the 2024 Hispanic Marketing Council Strategic Excellence Award honorees.

Two Asian women in aprons standing at their kitchen counter

Partnering with Small Businesses to Drive Brand Growth

Katya Skogen

Learn how Leading Brands connect with small business owners by understanding their current business outlook, connection to culture and use of technology.

America Now: Navigating Political Polarization

Jack Mackinnon

Do you know how to navigate the modern political landscape with culturally nuanced and emotionally intelligent storytelling? Our award-winning study, “America Now,” shares best practices for brands to fuel growth and navigate polarization with cultural fluency.

Leverage Hispanic Media Insights for Brand Impact

Victor Paredes

Multicultural Americans spend an enormous amount of time and attention in the digital media space. Hispanic Americans especially are super users: they spend their time across many platforms, social media and otherwise, especially those that support Hispanics and allow them to stay connected to family and friends.