Tag: kids

Learn How the World’s Leading Brands Are Elevating Their Voice with Cultural Intelligence

Elizabeth Jackson

By embracing cultural intelligence, leading brands are building a stronger, more inclusive future—one authentic connection at a time. Join the conversation and see how cultural fluency can transform your brand, too.

Growing Beyond the Core: Accelerate Revenue With Incremental Audiences

Elizabeth Jackson

Discover Collage's new Growth Solutions that allow marketers to future-proof their brand by discovering and understanding consumer segments that can yield new, incremental target audiences, enriching their current segmentation strategy.

Engage American Parents through Influencer Marketing

Lauren Goldberg

Learn best practices for influencer marketing when appealing to Parents, including top social media channels, influencer qualities, and content strategies.

Eiffel tower in Paris

Standout Olympic Ads: Learnings from the World’s Top Brands

Victor Paredes

Learn how some of the world’s top brands showcased their Values and engaged with consumers across cultural bounds during the Summer games.

Young Hispanic couple embracing their young daughter

Drive Brand Love with Parents (and their Kids)

Giana Damianos

Discover your brand's opportunity to lighten parents’ load by providing tools for teaching their kids about culture. Drive Brand Love.

Young Gen Z man holding a toddler on his lap in a pumpkin patch

Activate on Moments that Matter to Parents & Kids

Lauren Goldberg

Learn how American parents & kids engage with holidays and special occasions via insights designed to help you deepen connection with brand involvement.

The Top Ads for Parents: How to Alter the Path to Purchase

David Evans

Culturally fluent ads use culture to efficiently and effectively connect across segments. In this report, we share the topmost culturally fluent ads for Parents through our CultureRate:Ad methodology. CultureRate:Ad provides a one-stop solution for our members’ mounting need for a comprehensive, ongoing analysis of the cultural fluency of their ads.

Gen Zalpha Dreams and Aspirations: Fuel Growth with Parents and Kids Insights

Lauren Goldberg

Explore how Gen Zalpha’s dreams and aspirations for the future have evolved in today’s anxious world.

Gen Zalpha Tweens: Engage Free Time and State of Play to Accelerate Brand Loyalty

Giana Damianos

Understand the meaningful experiences that come with free time and the state of play for tweens to capture the attention and loyalty of Gen Zalpha and their parents for years to come.

Changes in Multicultural Consumer Spending and Financial Behavior Across Categories

David Evans

Collage Group’s spending and financial trackers offer members useful information to understand economic behavior of consumers across 12 categories, as well as changes in financial behaviors such as managing debt, savings, investments and financial support for friends and family.