Tag: small business

Two Asian women in aprons standing at their kitchen counter

Partnering with Small Businesses to Drive Brand Growth

Katya Skogen

Learn how Leading Brands connect with small business owners by understanding their current business outlook, connection to culture and use of technology.

Engage Women Small Business Owners in America

Katya Skogen

Small businesses drive the U.S. economy, and their owners reflect the diverse cultures and perspectives of Americans. Read on for more information about how to connect with women small business owners by understanding how they see themselves, their goals, challenges, and motivations for partnering with larger companies.

Engage Small Business Owners in America

Lauren Goldberg

American small businesses drive the America economy, and their owners reflect the diverse cultures and perspectives of Americans. Read on for more information about how to connect with small business owners.

Engaging Women Small Business Owners

Jenny Wolski

American small businesses drive the America economy, and the number of women-owned small businesses is growing.